Helping us promote
Brum Rocks

We are on the last push of the Brum Rocks Project, and we need your help!

There are several ways you can help, check out the info below.

word of mouth

Tell people about Brum Rocks. Do you have friends, family, collegues that might enjoy the project. Let them know!

share flyers

If you know of an excellent place to share flyers and can take them, ask us for a stack, and we’ll sort you out. Flyers are great for helping promote the project as they have all the details on them—no memory needed.

social media

Social media is a powerful tool for spreading the word about Brum Rocks. It can reach people that flyering just can't.

If you use social media, have a look at the information below for more.

If you want to find us on social media, click any of the images below to see our profiles.

Once you follow our profile, you can share, like, and comment on posts. Every time you do this, it tells the internet that the post you are engaging with is worth looking at.

Copy and Pastes

Just copy and paste the text here across social media, and they will help us reach more people. As a hint, if you paste it into Facebook, an image will come up automatically.

Variation 1

I’m taking part in Brum Rocks Live, get your audience ticket and watch me play as part of Birmingham’s Biggest Rock Band:

I’ll be performing alongside hundreds of instrumentalists, singers, and choirs from across the West Midlands on Sunday 14th July at Forum Birmingham from 6-8pm. So grab your ticket and enjoy an evening with this massed rock extravaganza.

Variation 2

I’m performing in Brum Rocks Live, get your participant ticket and come along and join me in Birmingham’s Biggest Rock Band:

Me and hundreds of instrumentalists, singers, and choirs from across the West Midlands will be rehearsing from 2-5pm on Sunday 14th July at Forum Birmingham, then performing from 6-8pm. So bring along your instrument or voice, and spend the afternoon rocking out and having fun!


If you would like some images to post, click the button below.