a community band, open to all that love rock music

 What is
the Bearwood Rock Collective?

The Bearwood Rock Collective is a group for adults that meets regularly to rehearse and perform rock music in Bearwood, Birmingham.

Rehearsals are led by a bandleader with the use of lead sheets and playing by ear so anyone with any instrument or all singers can get involved.

What music
will we play?

We’ll look at a range of rock music from the 50’s to today so there is something for everyone. Connect with the music of your favourite artists by learning how to play or sing their music.

Some artists include:
The Rolling Stones, U2, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, The Foo Fighters, AC/DC, The Beatles, Green Day, Jimi Hendrix, Tom Petty The Sex Pistols, Oasis, Stone Roses, Primal Scream, Fleetwood Mac...

Who can

We welcome any instrumentalist or singer whatever your ability, age, gender… This group is ideally suited for those who don’t read traditional music notation or like to learn aurally
(by ear) but will be a great place for those who want to improve their improvising and playing by ear if they are classically trained.

Your leader,

An Argentinian composer, songwriter, guitarist, and writer, based in Birmingham since 2018. Rodrigo (Rod) has a Degree in Musical Arts, and over 8 years of teaching experience, including a position at the National University of Arts (Buenos Aires).


You’ll need your own instrument and amp (if using) and power will be available for those who need it.

We’ll encourage you to print your music at home if you can, but we’ll sort this for you if you need it.


When and where
do we meet?

We meet at Thimblemill Library in Bearwood from 7.15pm - 8.45pm on Thursdays during school term times.

Please arrive at 7 pm as entry to the library is dictated by an automated system.


Your first session is Free! After that, we ask members to pay our standard session rates.


Reduced £5 per week or £16 a month
Normal £8 per week or £24 a month
Pay it Forward £10+ per week or £32+ a month

You can pay on the day, online or make a standing order. Visit our “member subs” page for further details.

There are a number of free places available for people with low income. You can let us know you’re interested in this when you sign up.


Fill out the short form using the button below. If you are unable to fill out the form, don’t worry. Contact us, and we’ll get you sorted!


Session and Event Dates