Misfits Music Misfits Music

Welcome Maria Liu

Maria is the newest addition to our team and will be working with us to run our choir and other vocal projects.

Here’s a brief introduction that she has written and we’d love you to read

Hello Misfits Choir!

I’m Maria Liu and I am very much looking forward to joining you as Choir Leader after half term.

When I first read about this project, the words ‘wellbeing’, ‘take a breath’, and ‘feeling better through singing’ spoke to me immediately. I have always had a profound appreciation of the positive impact singing - especially singing with others - has on our wellbeing. Community choirs in particular have a special place in my heart and I have seen first hand, both as a leader and a participant, the enormous health and mental health benefits just one hour a week can bring to singers.

I am sure you will agree that the last year has been particularly challenging for singers everywhere. We have perhaps never needed the healing power of music and projects like Misfits Choir more than we do now! Despite the difficulties we have experienced in our attempt to sing together in person again... I am confident that our Zoom sessions will be a place where we can take a deep breath together, fill our spaces with music, and just let go of the day for a little while.

During our weekly rehearsals, I am keen for you to sing your favourite songs, discover new music, and hopefully go away with some useful techniques and inspiration for your own practice. I am also preparing a series of videos to guide you through breathing and relaxation techniques to go hand in hand with your singing. As a training yoga teacher for singers, this is an area I am particularly excited to explore with you all.

If there is a song you would particularly like the choir to sing, please make sure you get in touch! Questions and suggestions are always most welcome. I look forward to seeing you soon at rehearsal.

Sing on!


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